Each of us dreams of a perfect firm buttocks and slender spindly legs, right? If you have these attributes than certainly your jeans, skirts and shorts will suit you much better. However, hardly anyone of us is born with these attributes, so if you really want to have your dream buttocks and legs then you definitely have to start working out!
Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean you have to spend hours and hours on the treadmill or doing dozens of squats. There is an exercise that is easy to do, even beginners can easily practice it and it perfectly targets exactly the desired parts of the body and activates the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and hamstrings, and also it tightens the stomach.
The exercise is called ,,Bridge ”.
See how it works and what other benefits it brings to your body.
The exercise is extremely simple, and more than effective, so we recommend that you do at least a series of 10 every other day.
Lie on your back, place your hands along your body or spread them apart at a straight angle. Bend the knees, put the feet as close to the buttocks and start to lift the hips.
You can make a combination of long and short movements, holding your hips 3 seconds each time you raise them.
If you want to target the calfs too, then put the feet at the position of the fingers when you lift your hips.
Also, if you want to increase the intensity of the exercise use a pilates ball. Lift the legs on the ball while the body is lying on the floor and do the same principle – raise your hips.
Customize the number of repetitions to your preferences, but be sure that increase the number of repetitions every week.
What’s so great about this exercise?
This exercise is good for the whole body for several reasons:
1. Reduces the pain in the knees and back – Unfortunately in our daily activities we rarely activate the back muscles, which is why the pain occurs in this region. The exercise ,,bridge” absolutely triggers the mentioned muscles, strengthens them, and eventually you will feel relief. It also activates the calf muscles and ligaments in the knees.
2. The clothes suits you better – For the women this will be the most important reason to start doing this exercise. Well shaped buttocks and spindly legs are looking better in every pants! 😉
3. A better body posture – Everything breaks down if you’re constantly slouching! This exercise will strengthen the muscles of the whole back and so improve your body posture and the position of the spine.
4. Enhances the athletic ability – The gluteus muscles (buttocks) are among the largest muscles of the body which are essential for our athletic abilities. So, if you have strong muscles of the buttocks you will run faster, jump higher, and be better in all sports.