Everybody have certain habits when it comes to sleeping. While some of us can not imagine spending all night lying on their backs, others love to spread all over the bed.
Sleeping is definitely a very important part of our day, because during sleep the body relaxes, it charges, and renews the energy.
Although maybe you prefer to sleep on your stomach, you should consider how good it is for you.
Check out our sleeping position guide and find out which is best for your health.
1. Sleeping on your back – Sleeping on your back is the best and healthiest position. This position reduces the risk of back pain and neck pain because the spine is in proper position, and the muscles are relaxed during the night. Raised head prevents the development of heartburn, because the acid from the stomach cannot return to the pharynx. There is no face pressure which causes wrinkles nor a pressure on the breasts which spoils their shape and firmness.
The only drawback of this sleeping position is the snoring.
The perfect pillow should be fluffy and big that will keep your head and neck slightly elevated so that the muscles are relaxed.
2. Sleeping on your side – Sleeping on your side is the second preferred position. It’s good for the whole body, prevents snoring and keeps the spine in the correct position. And just like sleeping on the back it prevents heartburn. However, if you are someone who takes care of wrinkles and facial beauty, sleeping on your side is not recommended. The face is constantly on the pillow and it has a lot of pressure on the skin – thus contributing to the faster formation of wrinkles. You can reduce the effects if you sleep on a silk surface, but the pressure will still be there. Also, this position is not good for the breasts because you stretch your ligaments and they lose the elasticity and firmness.
If you are pregnant, Sleep on the left side, because this is the ideal position for good circulation.
The ideal pillow is a fuller or anatomical which will fill the recess between the head and shoulders and so will keep the spine in proper position.
3. Fetus position – This position is not ideal, but it has some advantages. It is a good anti-snoring position as well as ideal sleeping position during pregnancy. However, when you curl up in a position where your head and knees nearly touch you bend your spine, creating pressure on the muscles which reduces the ability to breathe, because of pressure on the lungs. This can lead to reduced amounts of oxygen in the body, resulting in a number of negative consequences. Also, your face is pressed to the pillow which accelerates the formation of wrinkles. Try to strengthen the spine, or try not to be in full fetal position.
The ideal pillow is the same as with sleeping on the side – one that will support the head and neck.
4. Sleeping on your stomach – This is by far the worst sleeping position. Even though the position significantly reduces snoring, because the airways are open, this position causes back and neck pain. Imagine the neck facing the side all night long . Huge pressure is created on the vertebrae, so you may wake up stiff, and in addition there is risk of wrinkles due to the the pressure, however, if you don’t have a problem with your back and neck, and you snore – this is the best position for you.
As for the ideal pillow it should be as thin as possible or do not use a pillow at all.
(Photo Credits: www.health.com)