If someone hurt you and you could not get over it, it’s time to leave the feelings and forget, because otherwise you will suffer on mental and physical level. When we feel injustice, anger is born and it can last very long time, even years, and that is influencing on our wellness.
Do not punish yourself, but forgive:
1. Anger harms the health of the heart
The feeling of anger and rage affect physical health, it increases levels of the hormone cortisol and adrenaline. Long term anger burdens the heart and can lead to the emergence of cardiovascular disease.
2. Affects your children
Even if you do not show anger in front of your children, yet they know how to “read” your feelings and take them into themselves. Thus, children will develop uncertainty in its environment.
3. Anger adversely affects mental health
No one is immune to occasional harassment, but people who always rethink the scenarios in which someone was violating them could seriously jeopardize mental health. Negative feelings and thoughts may lead to difficulties and weakening of the self-control. It also increases the risk of mental disorders.
4. Chronic anger may lead to occurrence of diabetes
Anger can lead to the onset of type 2 types of diabetes. Although there is no direct link between temperament and the risk of diabetes, yet people who frequently get angry according to research have around 34% higher risk for this disease.
5. Relaxation is repairing the mood
The mood really improves after we forgive someone. In one research, the participants received an assignment to think about who violated their life, then to search for the person and tell her/him that she/he is forgiven, with condition that they are really ready to forgive him/her. They noticed changes in the mood on positive aspect with participants who agreed to forgive and have done so.
6. Sleeping is easier after we forgive
Before falling asleep, our head is full thoughts on which we can not influence. Even if we are aware and we want to push that thoughts away, they keep us awake and they contribute to sleeping difficulties, which in the long run is bad for our health. Studies have shown that people who find it easier to let the past go have a quality sleep.
7. People who forgive have quality relationships
Many people believe that the forgiving is making them weak, but Gandhi wont agree with this. Once he said: “Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong” because it takes a lot of courage and wisdom to distance from the painful experience. It shows that you are a person who is able to build quality relationships.