Looking for exercises for mobility, strength and breathing, we chose a combination for the ideal start to the day. Try this pilates exercises that clear the mind, speed up metabolism, to restore balance and make you more feminine.
Strengthens the abdomen, improves circulation and breathing. Lie on your back and lift your upper body off the floor, till to the lower ends of the calfs. Then raise your legs in the air, but hold your back on the ground. Raise your hands and gently hit the floor, so every 3-5 strokes inhale and exhale 3-5 strokes. When you breathe out, squeeze the belly. Repeat 10-15 breaths.
2. Leg lifting
Strengthens the abdomen with a focus on lateral muscles. Lie on your back, lift up your head and shoulders off the floor. Cross the legs and raise into the air. Hold the head with your hands. On exhalation, rotate your upper body, as well as the elbow want to touch the opposite knee. Stretch the free leg. When you inhale return to the center and on the next exhalation, rotate the body to the other side. Repeat 10 times on each side.
Strengthens abdominal muscles and mobilizes the spine. Lie on your back, stretch your arms above your head, legs extend and tighten foot. Inhale and raise your arms in the air. On the exhale, continue to lift the body. In the following position inhale, and when you exhale again lift down whole body. Slowly move the spine. Repeat 8 times.
Strengthens the muscles of the back and buttocks. Lie on your stomach with your legs extended in the width of the hips. Fully stretch your arms and hold the body. When you breathe out, raise your chest, shoulders and arms from the floor. Hold the lower part of the belly on the surface. Lift your legs off the floor and tighten the buttocks. Lower your body and your feet on the floor. Repeat 10 times.