For those that on periods, or often have swollen eyes and dark circles I came on on a homemade mask that works fine for me.
This problem is well known to many of us. Swelling eyes and dark circles are very often phenomenon, I suggest you try this mask of aloe and cucumber.
The mask will not only help you in the removal the dark circles under the eyes, but will also perfectly hydrate and refresh the skin, give it nice tone, healthy appearance, tenderness and softness.
The DIY mask against dark circles and bloated eyes recipe:
- 1 tablespoon of juice(or gel) from aloe
- 1 tablespoon of fresh juice of cucumber
- 1/2 teaspoon almond oil(Homemade almond oil recipe here)
- Bit vegetable starch by choice (cornstarch will do it)
Slowly mix the aloe juice, cucumber juie and the almond oil. Add slowly the cornstarch so the mixture density is thick.
The mask effectively solves the problem with the dark circles and bloated eyes, that is checked 🙂
With gentle movements add the mixture around the eye. Hold it for 10-15 minutes, it is important not to wait to long so the mask is dried thoroughly. Rinse with cool water. Apply a good moisture cream.
The mask can be used every day, and you can continue using it as a prevention.