Almost all diet plans recommend doing some sport or physical activity, but you probably don’t know how much calories are burned by different sports or activities? The fact is that even when you pay attention to your diet and do not have any physical activity, chances are that you won’t see any results. Most of those who want to lose weight want to know which exercises burn the most calories. We bring you the answers:
In addition to being a very fun activity cycling is the alpha and omega of cardio training and should not be missed. Just one hour of cycling can burn up to 1000 calories! The average number of calories that women can burn is 850 and men burn 950 calories.
If you do not like to sweat, swimming is the right solution for you, because an hour of swimming burns 720 to 840 calories. In addition, this is one of the rare form of exercise, which really can relax you, even though almost all of our muscles are active.
Skipping rope
Skipping rope is more than just something we used to do when we were children, it can be the right exercise for weight loss. An hour of skipping rope burns 850 calories in men and 750 calories in women.
Jogging is not only a good choice for a large number of calories you can burn (more than 700 for fast pace and about 450 for lighter) but also because it is one of the ideal activities for shaping and firming the whole body. If your goal is to tighten the leg muscles and buttocks there is hardly a better choice. For even better effect if you want to strengthen the muscles of the shoulders and chest, jog with a moderately filled backpacks.
Zumba is an absolute hit during the last few years, and after an hour of Zumba you can have 400 to 700 calories less. Zumba is great, especially for women, because it will shape the body much better than aerobics or Pilates.
Spring and summer are perfect for exploring the nature, roaming the forests and mountains, and also a relaxing activity which can be a very fun if you are in a good company, as well as a great aerobic workout and effective method for shaping the muscles of the whole body. In addition, hiking is one of the best ways to relieve stress. You can burn between 400-700 kcal/h!