It is well know that amaranth is beneficial seed. We should ingest it on weekly basis because it’s higher in minerals, as calcium, phosphorous, iron and carotenoids, than most vegetables. It also great protein source: cup for cup, 28.1 grams of protein compared to the 26.3 grams in oats and 13.1 grams in rice. Amaranth is know as food of the gods and kings. Despite the fact that it is used as a cereal, amaranth is one of the pseudo-cereals. 100 grams of seeds contains 371 calories and it is rich with way more minerals than wheat. Amaranth seed is containing from 14 to 16 percent of high quality protein and 7% to 9% of which, about half of the fatty acids are high quality omega-6 lipids.
Important is the content of essential amino acids such as lysine and methionine, which are extremely rare amino acids in the plant world. Amaranth contains no gluten.
Ingredients needed:
1 cup (200 ml) of milk (cow, almond, soybean, …)
1 cup (200 ml) of water
1 cup (200 ml), amaranth
2 apples
2 handfuls of walnuts
vanilla pod
natural sweetener or sugar
Put nice cooking pot onto the hotplate and infuse the milk and the water, and then take out the seeds from the vanilla pod and throw them into the pot.
When the pot starts to boil, add the amaranth and then cook on low heat for 30-35 minutes. Amaranth should be exactly half the liquid (ratio 1: 2).
After 15 minutes of cooking, add grated apple and one teaspoon of cinnamon, and 2 table spoons of honey(or other sweetener)
Across the served dish very carefully sprinkle a little cinnamon.