If you want to keep your body in shape or to get in shape fast you need to have a consistent workout everyday. To keep up my shape I get up and I spend one hour for exercising and bathing. First of all you need to have nice meal that will give you energy so you can workout, I strongly suggest that you do not work out hungry.
This simple workout is comprised of two exercises, and in order to do them you will need a jumping rope, and a workout hula hoop.
Now you need a bit room for jumping rope and hula hoop twirling and some nice 25 minute music 🙂
Star exercising with nice five minute stretch up
Now we start with a 5-minute hula hoop swirling, don’t give up if you fail a few times but keep it up, you can do it!

Now we go with the harder part keep it up you can do a 5-minute rope jump, jump jump around !

Relax for 1 minute. Now we go 5 more minutes hula hoop swirling! Go again you can do it, now it will be easier.
After you complete the hula hoop exercise, you need to do 5 more minutes of rope jumping! And you are done and ready for the shower and a beautiful day!
Jump for 5 minutes when you finish, take a nice hot shower and drink a lot of liquids. If you can, try not to drink coffee before exercise, make some green tea – it will help your body detox! Green tea has very special preparation here is link for green tea recipe.