We are sure that you are familiar with the recommendation by nutritionists that you should drink a glass of lukewarm water every morning on an empty stomach.
According to experts, this morning ritual will speed up the metabolism and promote weight loss, and if you add some other ingredients in the water you’ll get a real miracle drink for your health.
Today we present 3 recipes with lukewarm water, which will do wonders for your health and your line!
# 1 – It helps with weight loss and speeds up the metabolism, drink it the morning and evening.
1 cup of lukewarm water,
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice,
1 tablespoon of honey.
# 2 – It stabilizes the blood sugar, gives a feeling of satiety and reduces hunger, drink it the morning and evening.
1 cup of lukewarm water,
1 tablespoon of cinnamon,
1 tablespoon of honey.
Drink half a cup in the morning on an empty stomach and a half after the evening meal.
# 3 – Reduces cravings, drink it once a day.
1 cup of lukewarm water,
1 tablespoon squeezed lemon,
1 tablespoon of honey
1 tablespoon of cinnamon.
The water should be as warm as possible. Cool down is only so much that you can drink it.